About us


Year of experience


Successful projects

We are a digital product studio with a team of world-class designers, developers and project managers. Since 2013 we have been creating digital products for our customers from scratch. The well-established process, based on our experiences makes a smooth way for planning, developing and maintaining, especially internal company systems.

We love to use

This is how we do it

1. Define project

At first, all digital products are just an idea, a vision. In this phase, the ideas and the connected customer needs, as well as the user needs, are collected and compiled into a transparent and detailed description.

2. Content strategy / Specification

One of the most important part of a digital product is the content that we want to communicate. Let’s combine this with the specification of the precise and uniform operation of the functions from the previous phase

3. UX design

UX design includes the design of the entire digital product, where the appearance is not the most important, but the operation. Here we have the opportunity to create a wireframe prototype using the written content and complying with the operation of the specification, where even the customer and the target audience can try the product on their own device.

4. UI design

The appearance adapted to the uniform image provides the harmony of a digital product. If every little detail communicates what we defined in the vision, then the user will feel good while using the digital product.

5. Development

In this work process, the digital product born on the basis of the previously dreamed vision. The previous steps not only give the developers confidence through the precise specification, but the project managers can also prepare a transparent schedule that we review together with the client week by week. During our development phase, we always choose technologies according to the needs of the project and use them to design the architecture of the digital product.

6. Testing

Before we make the digital product available to the whole world, it goes through a testing process. In this process, we will first test and improve in-house, and with our help, the client will test the digital product with all of the relevant users.

7. Release | Analyse usage

Sharpening the product is a defining point not only for the client and its target audience, but also for us. Therefore, we do this in a planned way according to a pre-constructed scenario. After that, the tracking of the digital product life cycle begins. Who uses the product and how? If a modification is necessary to cover the needs, we plan and implement it.

We are ready to hear about your project!


Patrik Németh

CEO & Product Designer

Bence Pimpli

Lead Developer

Márton Kravalik

Project manager

Balázs Pimpli

Senior Full Stack Developer

Zoltán Csilléri

Medior Full Stack Developer

Zoltán Pap

Medior Full Stack Developer